Ger Staunton

Ger Staunton

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New Irish Tour Dates Announced

New shows announced in Galway and Clare. Click below for further info & tickets

New Special!

Out July 8th! Live from the TF Royal in his hometown of Castlebar. Subscribe for updates. Or follow @gerstaunton on Instagram.

The Independent

"A rising star who has creased sides in the UK, US and mainland Europe. The Castlebar native creates a tempo all of his own, unpacking his deadpan, immaculately woven anecdotal riffs with a smooth pace and a dark twinkle that has no qualms about upsetting safe sensibilities (as all comedians should)." - 04/01/2020

Short Film

Ger Staunton stars in a darkly comic relationship drama, The Flight to Memmingen (2018) tells of the rise and tragic demise of standup comedian Dave Murphy. He just wants some peace to write his famine sitcom. Watch Ger's acting debut below.


“One of the best comedy writers in Ireland.”

- The International Comedy Club

"Incredibly funny"

- The Examiner

"Weaving stories in the true tradition of Irish comedy. Outstanding"

- Cosmic Comedy, Berlin

“Immaculately woven anecdotal riffs with a smooth pace and a dark twinkle.”

- The Independent